Main Client: LLC Highways Alliance
Works Commenced: October 2018
Works Completed: October 2018
A sprayed concrete overlay was required to the deck soffit of Fulney Bridge, Spalding to contain two newly installed Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems adjacent to the two half joints to a depth of 30mm, and also to distribute the ICCP current.
Initially, Aquaforce Jetting carried out hydrodemolition to the bridge soffit to prepare the area for installation of the ICCP and the subsequent application of the sprayed concrete coating.
Following installation of the ICCP system, Aquaforce operatives applied a sprayed concrete coating to the soffit in the required areas using a dry spray product sprayed directly onto the previously prepared substrate.
Approximately 250 bags of product were used on the area of approx. 50m2 at a maximum depth of 45mm and finished to a ‘cut & flash’ stippled-effect finish as requested by the Client.
Utilising Aquaforce’s own Aliva sprayed concrete equipment, the works were successfully completed on programme to the satisfaction of the Client.